Monday, 3 December 2012

politics & country

After a lot of heartburn and white noise, the parliament is going to debate on the advisability or otherwise of allowing foreign direct investment in multi brand retail. In a vibrant democracy, debates like these should be a matter of course for it is imperative that every public policy is thrashed out by our elected representative in an informed discussion and a modicum of consensus reached to reflect the will of the people. But to anyone who has observed the trajectory of Indian politics, it would be apparent that this is far from the case. Just to oppose everything for the sake of opposing, evoking so called national interest at the drop of a hat even when they know that they are being less than honest in their dealings and only trying to score cheap political points, have been the hallmark of our politics in recent times.
To say that politics in India has over the years, become dysfunctional would be a gross understatement. Politics at its heart is a battle of ideas, a way to bring your opponent around with the conviction of your argument. But what it has come down to is constant noise, filibuster and rabblerousing. What I also find curious is that the politicians never tire of reminding us the virtues of democracy, as if we the humble masses should be grateful about their benediction. Yet at the same time they themselves are defying every tenet of it. As far as they are concerned, democracy means we should keep voting for them in a herd after periodic intervals and once elected, they can go back to their merry ways of cutting deals, lining their pockets and mouthing platitudes, not to mention seeking rent. The irony of it all is that everybody knows what is needed to be done but the inertia and indifference have paralyzed them to the point that their phony concern about national interest is becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy! The question to be asked not only to the ruling classes but also by us is that, do our politicians or we the people have any serious stake in the future of India or will this absurd pantomime will keep getting enacted over and over again.      

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