Acid is in their blood and it is corroding their humanity
from within. Just imagine a scenario and it could be as real as anything. There
is a girl in her early teen and she is constantly teased and harassed by a few
of the boys in the neighborhood whenever she is on her way to a coaching classes
or school or marketplace, it doesn’t matter where or what time of the day or
night it is. She is forced to endure this because if she makes too much noise
about it, she will be branded ‘’loose’’ and said to have invited it upon
herself somehow. This mental agony is distorting her personality even as the harassment
on the part of those ruffians keeps getting worse. One fine day as the usual
situation of brazenness and helplessness unfolds, something snaps. The young
girl gives the stalkers a piece of her mind and the normal order of things is
disturbed, that is of power and submission, hunter and prey. Hurt ego perceives
the big ego and decides to set the record straight. And how does he do it? He calmly
walks into your local hardware store and buys a bottle of acid for Rs. 20 and
lies in wait. At the appointed hour, the target is on her way and he suddenly
emerges from the back alley and starts following her. The opportune moment
arrives and he has her cornered, before she realizes, there is a splash on her
face. The moment freezes, and then there is blackout and searing pain and then,
only all encompassing numbness born out of hopelessness.
The above mentioned is not my lousy attempt at pulp fiction
but a dark fact of life being enacted in many cities and towns of India, big and small. Even the law is not your best
ally in times like these because acid attack is a non cognizable offence in
India, that is, it is easily bailable with maximum punishment of three months
for ruining somebody’s life. And I don’t even want to go into the attitude of
the Police for it would take another full piece altogether. But I would like to
make a larger point about what does it tell us about a society and as people. The
easy availability of acid is only one part of the menace, the deeper issue concerns
about the kind of value system we are imparting to our male children and young
boys for make no mistake, these same young boys today will be tomorrows adults.
This streak of misogyny has to be nipped in the bud. This misogyny implies that
it is all right to assert your power and masculinity over women and young
girls. The conspiracy of silence and warped notions of shame cannot be given as
a tools in the hands of these sick minds to get away with scaring young women
for life both figuratively and metaphorically. To every growing up man, it has
to be instilled in their mind, not only respect and non judgmental attitude but
also the fact that as a person, you can only woo, acceptance is entirely in her
hands. Her autonomy on her person and her body is inviolate. When will we be
able to pull this acid out of our vein?
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