Wednesday, 28 March 2018


A total psychopath who hacked to death a Muslim laborer back in December in Rajasthan has been glorified and eulogized in one of the tableaus taken out as part of the traditional Ram Navmi celebrations as a gallant defender of the Hindu faith. This is absolutely sickening, not to mention a frightening distortion of Hinduism, to which I am proud to belong. You can understand that the BJP state government would not want to condemn it, let alone do anything about it because we have seen that since 2014, hate against the Muslims have not only been normalized but also given implicit official sanction from the top. What I find most dismaying and disconcerting is that the Congress party, the so-called champion of 'secularism', is keeping a deafening silence on this. Maybe, it believes that by denouncing this act, it will end up playing into the hands of the BJP. This competitive bigotry is going to be ruinous for India.

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