Tuesday, 20 June 2017

What do you say when a genuine intellectual like Gopal Gandhi is brushed aside for somebody like Mr. Ram Nath Kovind, who is the opposite of intellectual, for the august office of the President of India.  This is a piece of pathetic tokenism by the BJP in the name of Dalit empowerment.  Narendra Modi and Amit Shah, both have politics on their mind 24/7.  So much so that now it really feels suffocating.  Every nomination and appointment made by this government has the sole focus of either this election or that election, or if not elections, then a cynical desire to have lackeys (chamchas) in important positions.  How are they any different from the Congress party whom they want to obliterate from the country?  At the very least, with the Congress, you could shame them into doing the right thing from time to time.  The BJP of Shah-Modi combine is devoid of any shame.

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