Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Mother pious

So, last Sunday was mother’s day when we are supposed to show our love and gratitude for our mothers for making all kinds of sacrifices in order to bring us up in this big bad world so that we can become a balanced human beings. Don’t get me wrong, I am all for doing our bit for our mothers for it is not a joke to rear a child and see him through to maturity. I think we have become too much of a sucker for tokenism in our rush to compete with the western world to take this opportunity to look into the issue of the average Indian male’s mother fixation from cradle to the grave forget about just one day in the year. Being a mama’s boy is a proud badge of honour in this country and its manifestation is in every walk of an average man’s life, from the choice of his hairdo to the kind of life partner he will end up with to the type of job he should hold and a lot of other stuff without even realizing how this emasculation of his individual self will hinder him to have an independent existence. Healthy respect for your mother is absolutely fine, but I have known some people who shall remain nameless, whose obsession with their mother has really messed up their heads so much that they can’t be relied upon to have a meaningful relationship with the opposite sex that is outside and independent of the maternal orbit. The point I am trying to make is that let us all have love and respect for our mothers but let’s not fall for this tokenism in this country that will contribute to the prototype of the stereotype.  

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