Thursday, 18 April 2013

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I like to believe that I have faith but no belief. Let me explain, to believe in the existence of God and to not believe in the existence of God are two side of the same coin if you ask me in that both parties are firm in their respective beliefs and will brook no challenge to their positions. But my point about having faith and no beliefs is that you simply don’t know for sure about the veracity of the claims and counter claims made by both sides in fact can anybody tell for sure. You implicitly repose your faith in an unwritten rule, a kind of unseen rhythm that regulates the ebbs and flows of life. But to believe in an almighty God who will always be benevolent towards us has proved to be patently false. How would you make sense of all the misery and strife surrounding us? Where is real justice? Most of the time, those who have professed a belief or propagated a religion, have done so with no meagre assistance from threat, intimidation and this constant fear of the unknown where a divine retribution awaits those a private code and public taboo. Even the staunchest of atheists, at the time of personal tragedy have been known to rush back to the same Gods who they have denounced all their life. What absurdity is this? As a human being you are entitled to meditate upon the deeper questions as to are we the sum and sub total of our consciousness? What happens after we have turned into ashes and dust? What is really about the ultimate truth? Questions galore and your mind reels at enormity of the burden. But what a stupid and dumb people we are that we can’t swallow our pride and just say that ‘we don’t know one way or another’. It may seem like a caravan but you are on an inner journey of and on your own.     

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