Monday, 4 February 2013

The shaming ark

The choice before us is depressingly simple. Either you make a dumbass kind of movie which is an insult to your intelligence and rather than offending anybody, goes out of its way to appease everybody, then no question is asked and everybody goes home happily. Or you make the kind of movie or produce a piece of art that not only raises the troubling questions of our times but also draws us out of our comfort zone in order to communicate the creators vision for change, and you have an infernal crisis on your hands. You will be made to look like the biggest imbecile on the planet. You would be advised to be careful, exercise restraint and given all kind of drivel about  the so called ‘’sensitivity’’ of the vast section of the unwashed masses. The old apologist for the old order will be back explaining  that the freedom of expression enshrined in the constitution comes with reasonable restrictions in the name of public order, morality, decency and all kinds of other laundry lists. At moments like those, you really feel like one of those stupid school kids who need to be disciplined for going against the grain of conventional thinking. You are at a loss to deal with this surging tide of anger at the injustice of it all where the government, instead of protecting the rights of individuals, bend over backwards to kowtow to the laws laid down by the bullies and thugs. And then there is this embarrassment coupled with the realization that gradually dawns upon you that maybe our culture that a lot many of us set a great store by, is not conducive to anybody who takes a contrary view against the prevailing mores of society. Someone who is willing to court unpopularity to make a larger point about anything is not looked upon as worthy of respect. If it was only a question of respect, then fine, I am not looking for respect, just leave me to my own devices but no, they are not going to let you be. You have to bend according to their wishes, their eddy of fury will not be calmed till they have dragged you down to their level to wallow in their own mediocrity.   

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