Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Talking heads

Watching the so called debate on the news channels every night can be a mind numbing experience. Firstly, it starts on a self righteous note where the anchor assumes a very self important roles for himself, them he starts asking loaded questions and wants every answer in sound bytes no matter how complex the subject is, he would put words in the mouths of the speaker and the next thing you know, what began as an earnest discussion, has descended into a shouting match. Matters are also made worse by the fact that we have such a paucity of talent on television who are able to inform and educate by cutting through the jargon. Generally there are the usual suspects saying pretty much the same thing, hedging their bets, not prepared to digress from the script. Add to it the incessant interruptions where it is impossible for a rare sane and reasoned voice to get a word in the edgeways. Not to mention the anchors pushing their own agenda, and you have a recipe for confusion worse confounded.   

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